Attention drivers in UMP classes. We have published a PRELIMINARY set of technical inspection rules for the 2013 season. We are publishing them for your review, comments and feedback. We have spent a fair amount of time figuring out how to consistently apply UMP rules to all competitors. We are sure there are problems that we haven’t considered, so our goal is to flush those problems out now with your input so that we can have a workable set of procedures and consequences in place when our season starts. We hope that you offer constructive comments and criticism while giving some respect to what we are trying to accomplish.

We aren’t sure that any other track in the area has standardized infractions and consequences to this extent so we are in a little bit of uncharted territory here. We have tried to be upfront with our perspective and opinions in an effort to be transparent and fair. Our promise to our competitors is that rules will be enforced consistently for all competitors. We are yet to review our proposed procedures with UMP officials and will need to do so before they are permanent. Let us know your thoughts either by commenting here, phone call, email or text.

You can view the entire document here: